Redefining financial services for customers
Financial services can discover new ways to connect with their customers in the digital world.
Challenges: Real estate marketing techniques need to change with the changing times. While traditional marketing methods may still work for a section of the customer base, in order to be a reckoning force in the market, fresh and modern ideas need to be incorporated in order to attract the urban upper and middle-class segments of home buyers. Members of these segments, most often, use newer ways to shop online, usually beginning their home search with online research. Therefore, digital marketing can be the tool to influence these home buyers.
Why Us
Digitant has a dynamic team comprising of certified digital marketing professionals, including SEO specialists, data analysts, marketing strategists, social media experts, and content developers.
We use the latest technology in the form of marketing automation tools to address your target audience in a ‘language’ that they’re most comfortable with, and assess their response in measurable metrics. We use SEO, SEM (search engine marketing), content creation and distribution, data analysis, ad copywriting, A/B testing and other similarly effective inbound marketing strategies to engage the online audience and measure their response, figuring out the most optimum ways to reach the target audience.
We can also monitor social media activity of the potential customers for accurate audience segmentation, and deliver targeted and timely content to them. Online reputation monitoring is an important part of our client strategy; it helps to build a positive brand image and increase brand awareness.
To know more about how we can increase your brand visibility and generate higher returns on your marketing investment, contact us today by filling out the form. We will be happy to tell you more.